Skin cancer screenings are free at our events. Our partner Dermatologists provide their time and expertise to conduct skin cancer screenings as a free service at We Rock Cancer events.
Board-certified dermatologists committed to detecting skin cancer in its earliest, most treatable stage and reducing incidence of the disease by raising awareness of effective skin cancer prevention techniques.
Screenings take approximately 10 minutes, including completing the paperwork and getting your skin checked.
We often offer two different types of screening, depending on the setting and your personal preferences. If the screening is in a private setting, a full-body screening can be provided if you desire. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends full-body examinations whenever possible. If the screening is in a public setting with limited privacy, only exposed areas (face, neck, arms, hands, etc.) will be visually inspected for skin cancer.
The American Cancer Society has more information regarding screenings that your doctor can conduct, and how to do a regular self-screening.
Your support and tax deductible contributions will enable us to meet our goals of early detection and awareness. Together we rock!
Copyright © 2025 We Rock Cancer
EIN 84-2274949
Financial statement is available upon written request from the Virginia Office of Charitable and Regulatory Programs
We are a Veteran Founded, 501(c)(3) Public Charity